I’m Xavier, I’m driven by web and open source. I started building websites since college. This hobby grew into passion and then became my job. I’m an autonomous team player, well organized, came up with new ideas for easy to understand well engineering projects features.
Personnal projects¶
Most of my personnal projects are published into Errorist XYZ and Github.
Elixir projects¶
- Duration:
Convenient module to play with ISO 8601:2004 durations and Timex.shift/2.
- sources
- docs
- mix.exs
{:duration, "~> 0.1.1"}
Python projects¶
- Dryer:
Coerce, validate, transform data structure in a composable manner.
- Pynba:
Fast driver and SWGI middleware for Pinba. Optimized with Cython
- JSON Specs:
Full implementation of JSON Schema, JSON Ref and JSON Pointer
- Puzzle:
Wraps libpuzzle and let define similarity between images
- Pincaster:
Python binding for Pincaster
Django integration¶
- Rayures:
Consolidate Stripe objects via webhooks and other helpers into django models. Still in progress.